Through most of the '80s, Sue ebbed and flowed between Colorado's high alpine terrain and downunder's beaches and reefs. In 1990, she returned to reside permanently in Frisco, and, more recently, in Salida.
Sue was able to delve into her inner soul in a way that most of us will never experience. Her superior intellect, numerous readings, constant reflections, metaphysical challenges … all made Sue what she was, prepared her for her next journey. Life beyond was to be welcomed as another chapter of one’s existence. Oh to be so courageous as to be able to choose when to self-exit (as she called it). The freedom from unyielding pain, the freedom from a future assurance of a deteriorating physical presence, freedom from becoming a burden in this human form, an escape … this somewhat consoles me, and I hope consoles you, her friend, her family, her intimate.
Sue ceded her natural existence, comfortably reconciled with her transition, preferring to be surrounded by the wooded foothills of the Collegiate Peaks in her final moments. On December 14, 2011, she found peace, found tranquility, found a future for her spirit to continue.
*** “Death may be the greatest of all human blessings” Socrates ***
"Think of me in the sparkliest experiences - I'll be sharing them with you" Sue